Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Day 1

I'm doing NaNoWriMo!

Yes, I'm crazy. I know. You know this. Why are you bothering to even mention it at this point?

So I started by staring at the little cursor blinking on and off on a blank document. My dilemma: do I use an existing story for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) or do I start from scratch? Then I realized that a fresh start is just what I need right now.

Besides, for a while now there's been a teenaged girl named Riley Conner who's been living in the section of my brain labeled "Characters who need to be written. Now."

She's been patiently waiting for her debut, but I don't think she was expecting it to be on New Year's Eve in a dirty back alley in New York.

I'm 1700 words in so far, which means I'm off to a good start. I think Jackson Crane is going to be a fun character to write, and I've been wanting to make a really badass character like this for a while now.

Now, before you all ask, let me state this clearly: YOU WILL SEE IT WHEN I'M DONE, AND NOT A MOMENT BEFORE THEN.

That means you, mom. ;)

I'll be writing about my progress here and there, but I can't guarantee regular updates. If I tagged you in this note, it's pretty much to let you know that if i seem crazier than normal it's because I'm writing. A lot.

Now then, I'm off to bed soon. Kung-Fu tomorrow means I need sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are awesome