Monday, December 1, 2008

My New Take on Life

I've come up with a new plan, and I'm gonna need some help in executing it.

I'm sick and tired of being a lazy, average student. I'm tired of panicking at the end of every month, trying to make ends meet. I'm tired of procrastinating on my homework, sleeping irregularly, and not being able to see anyone but my roommate and my classmates.

So here's the deal:

Next semester, I pledge to:

1) Put my education first, no matter what. That means:
–No sleeping through my alarm.
–No reading fan fiction until the wee hours of the morning.
–No procrastinating on my assignments.
–Staying ahead in the text.
–Taking better notes.
–Talking to my teachers about potential problems before they reach crisis level.

2) Keep a better home environment. To do that, I must:
–Schedule my time strictly.
–Do menial housekeeping regularly, rather than once a month.
–Remind my roommate to do her share, as well.
–Complain less about my life.
–Pay my bills on time to avoid financial stress.
–Actually buy groceries and cook my meals (hopefully, these duties will be shared).

3) Be more efficient at work. This means that I:
–Must study new products and current software when I have time to do so.
–Need to smile more.
–Have to sleep well.
–Must develop friendships with my co-workers, even if several of them refuse to speak to each other.
–Need to remember that my managers actually do listen here.
–Must remember to check my internal emails. They are important.

4) Not forget about my friends. So I will:
–Call them back, text them back, etc.
–Make time to see them, even when they live across town.
–Call them occasionally. You know, just to prove I still exist.

These changes will not be easy, so I request that you all remind me if and when you can. Thanks.

1 comment:

SaraLouise said...

Awlright Hannah! :D Way to go, girl. :)