Monday, October 13, 2008

Today's Thought: How your outlook changes your world.

Do you ever get to the point where you just want to smack a good friend in the face just to get them to see reason?

Seriously, there comes a point where all of your "woe-is-me" attitude stops garnering pity from your friends. At this point, they begin to respect you less and they really wish you would get your head out of your ass. Wallowing in self-pity only perpetuates the problem. If you simply buck up and try and look on the bright side, your life will soon turn around.

I know this from repeated experience.

No matter your religious views, whether you are Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist, there is an explanation for your life's troubles and how to climb out of that dark hole. You wanna know something interesting? They all state that positive thinking in some way is the key. Faith in God, Karma, or the Law of Attraction are all theories that have a very valid common base: your outlook affects the world around you.

The more you concentrate on the bad things in life, the more bad things seem to happen, but when you have an optimistic view on life these things seem to fall away. Give it a shot. It's not easy, but the effort to monitor your thoughts is well worth the gain.